New Years Eve.
I’m dressed in a Toast-inspired but not quite up to standard Robot costume made to satisfy the ‘first letter of your name’ fancy dress theme. (Me and Jesus, kicking it over a beer).
With one hour to go until 2008 becomes a reality we have broken the confines of the Clifton house party and ventured to a local bar. I’m really enjoying not having to queue at the bar, the medium to poor quality 'Ere mate, what are you, some sort of Robot' banter with the locals, and what can only be described as ‘flirting’ (go me!) with some of the party.
The Saturday night Twins are here, and I speak to both of them a few times (though I was never quite sure which was which). One of them seems up for it; tickling me, putting her arm round me, and hitting me with eye-yarns* from all over the bar. The only small problem is that there are two of them - they are twins after all - so I'm never really sure who I have, or haven't tickled back, or told that funny story to already. Several times over the next hour I feel uncomfortable talking to either or both of them as I’m not entirely sure where, or with which one, I stand anywhere with.
It very slowly dawns on me that they’re wearing different outfits, and it becomes easier (well very simple, I suppose, writing this now) to tell them apart, and it seems T2 is the interested twin (My least favourite from my original encounter) but I don't give fact this much thought. The next thing I realise is its 2008, and I’m at the bar, robot helmet removed, but outfit otherwise intact, kissing T2. I found out later that before we’d even finished, a picture message of the encounter was making its way from Barbie's phone to JB’s - a friend on holiday in New Zealand – which is in no other related to the story, but a surreal thought I thought worthy of a mention.
I enjoy myself for the rest of the evening, but get slightly concerned by some of the things T2 is coming out with. By 3 am, everyone is back at the house, the Singstar comp has been won and lost, and everyone is dropping off to sleep (including T2). I'd be quite up for sleeping with T2, but not in a body filled sleepover room at either this, or Barbies flat. I decide its time to bail, so make my goodbyes and walk back to Barbie’s flat wearing my robot legs (the rest was MIA) and carrying a borrowed dining chair. Unfortunately I was neither drunk, nor sober enough to make another random diary video at this point, as it probably would have been another beauty.
New Year’s morning brings a hangover, 4 cups of tea, a TV re-run of the year-ending Take That concert (described brilliantly here), and the steady emergence of friends from their first 2008 slumber. Most are sick (literally- one in the kitchen sink when the bathroom was occupied), some are bright eyed (but not many), and one is bushy tailed (the cat). An initial text exchange with T2 (when I gave out three kisses (‘xxx’) at the end of my message and immediately felt like a right little floozy) has, over the past few days, quickly developed into complete radio silence.
Nevertheless, best start to the year in years!
*Eye Yarns. A phrase from Big J in Brazil: ‘Chatting up’ is a Spinning a Yarn. ‘Giving the eye to’ is an Eye Yarn
Titans of Science: David Baker
4 days ago
You know, I can't quite make up mind if having a terrible cold over New Year's was actually to my benefit...but thank goodness for you they didn't dress in the same outfits!
Too funny! If they were truly evil twins (or one evil, one good, would be better narrative I suppose) then they would periodically swap outfits in the toilets and mess with your head even further...
Of course the alternative is to simply do an Austin Powers and shack up with both Fuk Mi and Fuk U...
It seems that your new year was disturbingly similar to mine.
I too dressed as a robot, and I too pulled. She was dressed as Supergirl, and I too have complete radio silence prior to texting.
Hey ho.
Chin chin!
barb? what? I thought you were Barbie for a moment, but you are not
okami- I was ill after new year, but on the mend now. The twins really could have messed with my head if they wanted
ant- yeah youre not the first to bring up the crossing-things-off-the-100-things-to-do-before-i-die Austin Powers approach!!
toast- Pulling as Megatron! What a legend! Super girl is not meant to hanging round with nasty deceptacons like you(r character) anyway
Hooray for double robot pulling!
A floozy robot carrying a random chair. Quite the image to start the year off with!
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