I have been summoned to perform jury service on Monday. The letter says it will last for at least two weeks.
This has brought about two unlikely coincidences. I was originally called to do it in the 'Stol, but since I have moved house, I was able to move it to down to the Scally-riddled Crown Court in Janner Land. I found out a few days after that if I had done it in the 'Stol, it would have been at the same time as my friend, or my now socially separated friend at least, JA4, would have been in court. This would have been at the very least extremely strange.
Even stranger is that I will also know someone in the dock down here. My ex housemate Andre the giant's ex boyfriend who I met about three times is going to court after he hit and killed two people on a motorbike whilst driving his car on the Moor at 3 am in June. I found this out when i saw is face on the front of the local paper, and thought, 'oh shit- this guy I made a cup of tea for is a murderer or something' and I might well have been right. Ive looked on the Internet and while the court date is there (31st Aug) there are no facts about what happened. I guess that this is what the trial is for.
I feel fairly sure that when I tell the court assistant the fact that I have met the guy before, ill be excused from the trial. Im sure thats how it works on American TV court dramas at least. Part of me wants to not say anything and see what happens. I suspect that being on the Jury may well not be as exciting as I currently hope, so it would be nice to have at least one serious case to ponder. I dont think id be influenced by the fact that I have met him before, but I suspect that there are rules about such things.
I only hope its not too boring after the novelty factor has worn off. I will at least enjoy getting some Chavs off the street (untill they legalise Chav hunting(!))
I feel slightly giddy with the power I have to significantly change the course of someones life.
Saying that ill probably get 10 persistent parking offenders.
We'll see.
Titans of Science: Marc Abrahams
5 weeks ago
I got excited when called for jury duty too! I found myself getting quite antsy when they did the random calling thing too ("ooh, it could be me next!") Major down side was that I ended up not getting selected but had had to travel into the local sheriff court every day for a week.
One thing I noticed though was that they are quite slap-dash about keeping potential jurors and the folk in dock apart. You'll almost certainly be excused if you know the person. In fact, isn't not declaring it a criminal offence or something?
That would be a major conflict of interest if you stayed on that trial! I would love ot be on a jury...but there are too many factors that keep me off...my fathers a lawyer, i work for a law firm, I have been involved with a case before...it sucks! I just want to be the one who changes everyonese minds to "fry the fucker" but no!
"Judged by your peers"... ha ha
Theoretically, that's good. But I also know of a Far Side strip that tells it as it is! :D
Oh, and we don't have jury duty over here, thank God. I believe the legislators are afraid I might take advantage of having somebody's life in my own hands... he he
I am way too indecisive to be on a jury. You know those awful shows like The People's Court? If there is any ambiguity, I am clueless about what side to support.
I've watched enough John Grisham legal dramas to figure out that knowing the guy will probably exclude you from the case.
Then they will send you to go hear some awful fraud case.
Saying that, you'll likely get something silly like an old man who forgot to zip up and wandered about with his willy hanging out...
Yeah, I think Ant's right about not declaring.
I have never been called, but I really hope I do get the call one day.
"I feel slightly giddy with the power I have to significantly change the course of someones life."
Just remember...with great power comes great responsibility ;)
Been busy for a few weeks now and so havent been 'round the blogs' for a while- a fact that will soon be rectified once im back in the chair of power next week.
Ant: I had a chat with the usher guy and he siad that id be excused, no problem. If that happens, itll be on Friday, but Im hoping to avoid another case as I really cant be arsed.
jenny- I need you on my jury- thyre all too soft!
Heart- I still feel like there has been some mistake giving me the power. 'I cant handle the truth!'
PP- I feel the same- its so hard to decide- mainly because there isnt any evidence saying that they definitely did/nt do it. Without that its just a guess, isnt it, which should make everyone uncomfortable... i think.
No such luck- we need more old mens willys and less bodybuilding racists.
Toast- it is super interesting for the first two days, then not so much. Well worth doing though.
Crash- Ah yes, Spiderman has taught you well.
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