Its difficult to say sometimes. It feels like only a few weeks ago that everything was rosy with The Twin. I made a special trip into town to buy new pants and condoms- a trip that occurred rapidly after a
"Hey are you coming down this weekend?"
"Yeah ill come Sat night and stay..?..?" conversation.
Then a few weeks later and not much is happening. The holiday to Biarittz is looming and the novelty and spark remains present, but the distance our homes are apart often makes the spark difficult to see, or at worse, even notice it is there.
Plus, there was another girl incident.
I went to a BBQ with AnnE, the new housemate, which turned out to be a good laugh, a few too many beers and a lot of things to think about. I set out to only have a couple of drinks, but quickly found myself getting through 6 cans, and AnnE began supplying me some of her bottles. Then there were a few shots, and we set out into town. AnnE had touched my shoulder a few times early on, made some eye contact during the BBQ, but at the time I put it down to her being friendly; looking after me as I didn’t know anyone there. Then the contact got more often and more obvious, leaning on me in the hallway while we waited for the others, an arm through mine as we walked into town, grabbing my hand as we entered the club. I was reasonably drunk by now, AnnE had drunk a few, and the other girls were ‘Mortal’ as the Geordie among them so amusingly described. It soon became obvious, even to me, that AnnE was directing the touching and laughing to end in a kiss. A few times she put herself right in front of me and gave me the look, but I broke away, surprised, flattered, confused. She asked me about The Twin- is she my girlfriend? I replied that she wasn't - that I wasn't sure what she is, or was. With hindsight, I should have said that yes she was, as it probably would have made it a more straightforward evening. I didn’t, of course, and the looks carried on to the point where a few times I had to kiss her on the lips then make a point of it only being a peck, with no hanging round waiting for tongues. The dancing and flirting continued and reached a point where I thought I have to either kiss her or tell her not to do it anymore. I pulled her off the dance floor and said something along the lines of,
"I really like you, and part of me wants to go for it, but there are some reasons why me and you kissing here in Jesters (the nightclub- rough as a bag of spanners) tonight is not a good idea. I’d really like to kiss you now (pause, smile) but I don’t think it’s a good idea. We live together, and I’m not really sure where I stand with The Twin, or what’s right and wrong here."
(if only there was a transcript of what actually came out of my mouth so I could compare!)
She seemed fine with this, and although probably a bit embarrassed, a weight of expectation was lifted from us and left us to enjoy the night a bit more. We danced to The Killers, drank a few more, had some banter with the locals and watched from the sidelines as her friends got tagged by the young guns of Union Street. Then we were walking home, holding hands. Then she pulled my hand and arm up around her shoulder. At home we sat on the balcony for a bit and I threw a prowling cat some dog biscuits. There were plenty more opportunities for a kiss, we were close and comfortably so. The boundaries becoming blurred once again. I thought in my head that I still didn’t think anything should happen, so I stretched a bedtime yawn and headed upstairs. She came over for a last hug before bed, and I gave her another brief kiss on the lips, not letting anything more happen. It was goodnight, then the next thing I knew I was awake with a hangover that bent my spine.
My other housemate, DPsyc, and me were heading out at midday to watch the start of the Artemis Transat - a single handed sailing race from here to Boston. AnnE had been out playing squash, but joined us later and there was a slight awkwardness as she came over and sat down. I asked her if she had made it up for squash, even though I already knew that she had. She confirmed what I already knew, and said she wasn’t hung over, just tired. I’m not sure if she means to include the extra meaning included in this statement.
I decided not to tell DPsyc about the nights events, as I’m not entirely sure what he’ll make of them, and maybe AnnE would feel better without me gossiping. I don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong - in fact I'm quite pleased with myself for both having a girl like AnnE throw herself at me, and for me doing the ‘right’, or if not, sensible thing of not sleeping with her. Later in the evening we sat down and watch Indiana Jones cheese it up in the Temple of Doom, but there is no mention of the previous evening's activities.
There has been complete radio silence with The Twin for 6 days, which does leave me with a lot to think about.
I think I did the right thing. But you never really know until hindsight has taken a good look, do you?
Titans of Science: Marc Abrahams
5 weeks ago
Oh man... land-mine city.
A couple of weeks ago I had a lassie throw herself at me in a similar way - flirting, full-contact grinding dancing and then kissing. She was hot and I was thoroughly enjoying the rush of all this, but for a bunch of reasons I had decided ahead of time that I wasn't going to take her home that night. (This caused some problems when she started whispering in my ear what she was going to do to me later on, as that was about the moment when I called time on the frivolities...)
Anyway, this left me the next day with that age-old battle raging in my blokey head of - have I just done the sensible and "right" thing, or is it a challenge to my manhood that I didn't just take her home and fuck her brains out? Peer review (and my own reason) all said that it was the correct course, but it's unbelievably difficult to shake that nagging 1% of doubt...
HOWEVER, the bit that I'm relating to above is only part of your dilemma I think. You have a much bigger problem in that AnnE is your housemate. I foresee that you are going to continue to have issues with this girl - sleeping with housemates is an all-round thorny problem. You didn't have many options open thanks to her being too full-on: either sleep with her and have all that emotional fall-out because you're living together, or reject her as you did, risking the woman's scorn. I think you made the right choice overall, but if you're genuinely not interested then I'd tell your other housemate sooner rather than later, then go and shake things up with The Twin.
(Alternatively if you want to have your cake and eat it too, you could try changing the order of that last statement... :-) )
Phew - long comment. Sorry!
I've just read this back and realise I totally sound like an agony uncle (I've been reading lots of similar stuff recently...) - apologies!
Dude, You player!
6 days no talk is just that little bit too long to be outta touch with someone you are interested in and seeing surely??
It being offered on a plate is always nice However, this plate belongs in your kitchen so to speak, so I suppose tread carefully or there will be broken crockery! (philosophical or what?(I'm going with the later!))
PS - Jesters, what are you playing at son?!!
C Unit
It almost would have been easier to rationalize if she were completely drunk too. But the fact that she didn't have a hang over the next day suggests that this was part of a larger plan of hers (even if the plan was subconscious and then carried out through a serendipitous opportunity)...that she probably has more feelings for you than you for her.
I think you probably made the right decision. The chances of that situation not turning into unwanted housemate drama is slim.
Personally, I think you did good dude. Nice one.
wow... be careful where you step, cuz as ant pointed out, its a dangerous territory you are entering.
sometimes the only way to go forward is by taking a step back. So yeah, u did good.
And you did even better by watching Indy!
agony uncle (ant): thank for the detailed thoughts. I guess in truth im not really sure what I want to happen. Its been fine with A this week, and shes gone away for 3 weeks now, so nothing to deal with. Ill see how things go with T on the group holiday, and probably post about it.
C-unit: Player I am not! Jesters fan i am! - its like being on a Polish Footloose set!
Psyc: Unwanted housemate drama eh? cant wait for that!
amc: Thanks matey!
crash: Indy was good - looking forward to the new one??
I find it a little sketchy how persistent she was. To me, she could have kept the door open and a little mystery....
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