Sometimes this is a diary. If you read it, remember its a diary. The rest of the times* this is a blog. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it and theres no need to remember anything.
*There will, invariably, be times when it is neither a blog nor diary. At these confusing times you will have to exercise your own moral judgement on what you remember.
Hooray - Porno Pants we have seen!
To the dark side they most definitely lead mmmhhmmm...
Porno Pants... more like porno shorts, but that kinda makes you think of Phoebes bf in Friends, u know, the guy who "exposed" himself?
I feel like I've spotted some elusive wild animal.
David Attenbourough should narrate a tale of porno pants.
They are kind of porno, but some leopardskin print would probably double up the sleaze factor.
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