Thursday 10 July 2008

Have I been in the aquarium too long? How have I missed this sneaking up?

(and here)

Wheres the hype? Frenzy? (and ultimately dissapointment?)

Plus for all you Porno Pants fans, heres a rare glimpse of them in action...


Ant said...

Hooray - Porno Pants we have seen!

To the dark side they most definitely lead mmmhhmmm...

Crashdummie said...

Porno Pants... more like porno shorts, but that kinda makes you think of Phoebes bf in Friends, u know, the guy who "exposed" himself?

Princess Pointful said...

I feel like I've spotted some elusive wild animal.
David Attenbourough should narrate a tale of porno pants.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

They are kind of porno, but some leopardskin print would probably double up the sleaze factor.